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Benefits of Installing Ductless Air Conditioning in Your Home

Ductless air conditioning systems offer homeowners more options when installing or replacing an existing HVAC system.

Benefits of Installing Ductless Air Conditioning in Your Home

Installing a whole-house HVAC system can be very disruptive. Homeowners often recognize this and invest in a split AC system to avoid the issues that come with the installation. Today, these units are more energy efficient and allow people to replace an existing HVAC system, supplement an existing one, or install a new unit in a home that doesn't have HVAC. What should a person know when deciding if this system fulfills their needs?

Single Zone or Multi-Zone?

Before scheduling a ductless AC installation, the homeowner must know whether a single-zone configuration will meet their needs or if they need to choose a multi-zone setup. Single-zone systems have one indoor and one outdoor unit to heat and cool one room in the house. When a person adds an addition to the home, they may choose this setup rather than trying to extend the existing HVAC system. However, a single-zone system only heats and cools a small portion of the home. A person typically needs a multi-zone system when installing a new HVAC system or replacing an existing one. This configuration includes a single outdoor unit connecting to multiple units in the home. The owner controls each zone separately, so they won't need to heat and cool rooms that aren't in use. In addition, family members can set different zones to accommodate their personal temperature preferences. A person won't need to freeze to keep their partner comfortable, as they can sit in other areas of the home and set the temperature in their area to meet their needs. Which setup is best? Many factors determine which configuration a person should choose. In addition to the factors mentioned above, the size of the home and the number of rooms play a role in whether a single-zone or multi-zone setup is needed. The buyer should also consider their budget to determine which they can afford comfortably.

The Benefits of Ductless Air Conditioners

People find that ductless air conditioners have many benefits not seen with conventional HVAC systems. Family members can control the temperature in their zone, so everyone is comfortable in the home. There is no need to install expensive ductwork, and the indoor air quality improves because there is no dust buildup in this ductwork. Furthermore, split AC systems are energy-efficient, so homeowners often see a reduction in their energy bills when they purchase this type of system.

The Drawbacks of Ductless AC Systems

However, ductless AC systems have some drawbacks. A person will spend more at the time of purchase for this system, and the units are visible in the rooms where they are placed. Some people find this detracts from the home's appearance, mainly when they live in a historic home. The units are very noticeable in these settings. The owner must regularly maintain the unit. Failing to do so could lower the system's efficiency and lead to the need for repairs. In addition, condensate drain clogs remain common with these units. Annual tune-ups are essential to prevent these issues and extend the system's lifespan.

Ductless air conditioning systems offer homeowners more options when installing or replacing an existing HVAC system. Before purchasing any new system, it's best to consider all options and learn the benefits and drawbacks of each. Talk with an experienced HVAC technician to know which system they recommend for the home and why. They can explain why one option is better and handle the installation to ensure the system works properly. With their help, the house will remain at a comfortable temperature without costing the owner a fortune in energy bills.


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